i guess i am an adult now (??)

holy crap, the last few weeks blew my mind:

  • i handed in the manuscript for my friggin cookbook!!
  • thanksgiving bread was nuts – 500 loaves in 3 days (the most everrr)
  • i turned god damn 30

let’s unpack each of these just a little bit… but first check out my homeboy Max, getting wayyy down on some toast w/ almond butter:


so rad.

cookbook. i’ve been working on this with every little bit of free time i’ve had over the past year. i am most definitely NOT one of those people that can procrastinate and then spend the week before something is due just staying up all night to get it done. no way. instead i have been steadily chipping away on this puppy since i first got the book deal last fall. and by golly, when November 8 rolled around i had 50 recipes, 50,000 words, and a big weight off my chest. we will be photographing the book in the Spring, and it should be out by next Fall. i still can’t really believe it, but it is TRUE.

thanksgiving. 500 loaves in 3 days.

IMG_2234first of all – T H A N K   Y O U to all of you wonderful folks that chose to spend your Thanksgiving with me, i was beside myself with joy that so many people wanted my bread. makes me even more pumped for what’s to come. but 500 loaves!!! now i know that this is child’s play for most “bakeries,” but dudes, i ain’t most bakeries. silly (or stupid) enough, i had actually planned on doing it all by myself. i woulda been fully effed if i’d stayed the course, so thank the almighty bread gods that my main man Ryan (one of the handsome and talented bakers who will be on the starting JBB crew at The Mill) and main lady Wendy (our ridiculously hard-working and talented head baker) came to the rescue. you’re probably all like, “what’s the big deal, 500 loaves, stop whining baker boy.” i’m not whining, i’m just sharing… we hand mixed it all. so ha! yeah, we hand mixed it all in little tubs and then shaped it into breads and then i baked those suckers. i heard people liked em, and that warms my heart.

i turned 30. these say it all…





oh yeah, The Mill will be open December 30. get ready to party.

❤ josey

2 weeks and counting… til my birthday (OH YEAH AND THANKSGIVING TOO)

yo dudes

it’s crazy – two years ago i got a little article written about me in a food newsletter and 30 people showed up at my door on Thanksgiving morning to buy my bread.


i had no idea what i was doing…
well, i’m doing it again this year, but i’m going to be a bit more… professional about the whole thing.
i’m now accepting pre-orders for Thanksgiving bread. you can order to pick up the day before, or the morning of, it’s up to you.
what am i baking? i picked the 3 most delicious and Thanksgiving-y breads I could think of:
  • seed feast. i mean, what the heck, the frikkin pilgrims and native americans probably ate this bread at the original feast, right? (bread flour, whole wheat flour, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sourdough culture, sea salt)
  • black pepper parmesan. the mighty return of everybody’s favorite!! i haven’t made this bread for months, but there’s no better time than now. what’s better than cheese on bread? cheese IN bread. (bread flour, whole wheat flour, parmesan, black pepper, sourdough culture, sea salt)
  • whole wheat cranberry walnut. i actually haven’t made this bread since Thanksgiving 2010. i hope i can remember how it goes… jk sucka, this bread will blow your g-d mind. (whole wheat flour, bread flour, walnuts, cranberries, raisins, sourdough culture, sea salt) 
all breads are $6/loaf, available by pre-order only.
what do i think you should do? order for pick up on Thanksgiving morning, and then come hang out with me at The Mill, grab your bread, have a cup of coffee, and be eternally thankful for the miracle of life. then stuff yourself and take a nap.
(and YES, Thanksgiving is actually on my birthday this year – I am turning 30.)
if all this pre-order stuff is too much for you to handle, then worry not! i will also be selling bread at Bi-Rite Market on Tues & Wed the week of Thanksgiving. bread everywhere, so awesome.
❤ josey